Digital Prosthesis

Almost every moment of our day is filled by mobile devices, waiting situations, traffic, meals or even before bed are filled by digital content. Our restless minds needing new stimulation, the act of knowing what is happening or the search for something satisfying and temporary makes us no longer to be alone with our own […]

Happy Character

Just like an RPG game where the player assumes a character identity in a fantasy or virtual world, many uses the same practice to have their own desired version on social media. The power of filters and the condition of sharing only moments of happiness and achievements, encourage the simulation of a life that does […]

Hate Layers

Why should we expose ourselves so much in social media? Why should people see what I’m eating or if I went to the Gym? Do people really care? Imagine not so long ago during the 90’s how it would be if a person took a photo of his lunch and started showing a photo print […]