Prioritize and Execute

Every monday we start a new journey in out weekly triathlon with full email box, several pendencies and different ways of taking away our happiness

Nowadays we are surrounded by simultaneous problems, and this might be a risk and will result in failure if we try to solve all of them in just one time

Prioritize and Execute, this is the ideal exercise for mondays. Based on your objectives choose the task that needs more priority and guarantee it will be executed during the week! If it’s necessary, communicate with those around you and book in your agenda how many hours are need for its execution. After concluded, repeat the same exercise and choose one more task to be prioritized.

Remember the Triathlon, where we first focus on swimming, then cycling and by the end of it in running, always using transitioning to be ready for the next execution with the main objective to finish in the best time as possible.

Have a good week!

Categories: Business, Health, Spirituality